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Frill Shark-In the Bathypelagic Zone

The deep sea serpent or Frill Shark

The Frill Shark can articulate it's upper jaw. Opening it to a 90 degree angle. It slowly digests larger prey, and has multiple rows of teeth and gets it's "frilly" appearance from it's 6 pairs of gill silits going all the way across it' throat. The mouth has 25 rows of backward-facing teeth around 300 of them. It is virtually impossible to get out of the Frill Shark's mouth once a creature is caught in it's grips.

Picture of a Frill Shark

Image of a Frill Shark

The Frill Shark

According to the ReefQuest Center for Shark Research, "it's body cavity is elongate and packed with a huge liver perfused with low-density oils and hydrocarbons, making the shark almost neutrally boyant at depth."

Currently, it is unknow how the Frill Shark hunts or feeds.


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