Mariana Trench

If you dove down into the sea, and you could keep on diving. What would you see? We have only explored 5 percent of the ocean floor. 95 percent has not been explored. The prediction of how many ocean living forms we know of is 1 percent. What would we find? The Mariana Trench is 1,500 miles long. Only two people have descended to the planets deepest point, the Challenger Deep in the Pacific Ocean. The highest point on Earth is Mount Everest. If Mount Everest were dropped into the Mariana Trench, its peak would still be underwater for over a mile. 68 new species were discovered in 10 minutes. What could we discover in an hour?

Map of the Mariana Trench and Layers of the Ocean

layers of the ocean and map of Mariana Trench Article on the Deep Ocean Challenger Deep Wikipedia Hadalpelagic zone Wikipedia Abyssopelagic Zone Wikipedia Bathypelagic Zone Wikipedia different layers of the ocean Epipelagic/Mesopelagic

Epipelagic/Mesopelagic-200-1000 meters

Depending on the clarity of the water and where photosynthesis can no longer take place, this zone is from 200 meters to 1000 meters. Bioluminescence is prevalent here, helping creatures disguise their silhouettes from animals below them. The eyes of animals in this zone are often quite large due to the lack of light.

Bathypelagic-usually about 1000 meters

This Bathypelagic Zone is when the light can no longer pentrate the water. It depends and some areas like Honduras can be closer to 550 meters.This zone is also has very low temperatures and creatures have a very low organsmal biomass.
The Deep Scattering layer, the layer of fish, squid, crustaceans etc., that migrate eady day from the deep ocean to the shallower water is the boundary between the mesopelagic zone and the bathypelgic zone.

Abyssopelagic-The Abyss from 3000 to 6000 meters

No photosynthesis takes place to replenish oxygen. This zone is calm and unaffected by sunlight and turbulent seas which are very far above. Since the water is so quiet, the only oxygen in the water is the dissolved oxygen that comes from were it originates from, the polar regions.
The nutrient level in this zone changes because this is were the dead biological meterials settle to the floor. The nitrogen, phosphorus, and silica is uniform and higher in the waters. Although the sea floor is devoid of oxygen, there is a food source from the collection of sediment.
Animals in this region, such as the anglerfish, tripod fish, and giant squid, can withstand pressures up to 11,000 psi. Many are blind, black or gray, and reproduce very slowly.

Hadalpelagic is below 6000 meters

Not much is know about this zone, and it is found almost exclusively in deep ocean trenches.
This zone named after Hades has tremendous pressures making it humanity's least explored place. The deepest part, the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench is approximately 10,994 to 10,916 meters (35,755 to 36,070 feet).

Mariana Trench

Mystery of the Mariana Trench

Copyright ©Top Documentary Films: Inside the Deepest Part of the World


The otherworldly creatures in the ocean's deepest depths - Lidia Lins

Copyright ©Ted-Ed

Did Megaledon Survive in the Ocean Depths?

Who lives at the bottom of the Mariana Trench and what happened in 1985?

Copyright ©Riddle


New Sea Creature Found of the Gulf of Mexico

Copyright ©Video was courtesy of Shell Oil Company

This creature was over 7000 feet down

The resources above are just a few. Go search for more!

Learning description:

This project is for students from 3rd grade to 12th grade to realize that there is a lot on this earth that we do not know about. We focus on space, but only 5 percent of the ocean floor has been explored. This "field trip" is to inspire, provoke thought in students, and see that learning can be an adventure.


  • Research and write a report on a deep sea animal. (A picture should be included of the deep sea creature.)
  • What depth is the Bathypelagic zone?
  • Do some creatures living in the Mesopelagic and Bathypelagic zone rise to the Epipelagic zone to feed?
  • On this website is a picture of a shark usually 10 to 13 feet long. It has five pairs of gill slits what shark is this?
  • On this website is a cute octopus; it lives at least 4000 meters down--what is this octopus called?
  • What is the largest turtle called that we know of?
  • What deep sea creature has an eel-like body and looks like a sea serpent. It has six pairs of gill slits. What is it called?
  • Name one fish that uses bioluminescene to attract its prey.
  • Who lives at the bottom of the Mariana Trench and what happened in 1985?