Image of Anglerfish

The Anglerfish-In the Abyssopelagic Zone

The deep sea Anglerfish is one of the scariest and weirdest looking fish.

The anglerfish as a light producing organ known as photophore. This bioluminescence appendage produces a blue-grenn light which the Anglerfish uses as a lure, waving it back and forth to attract its prey.

Picture of Anglerfish

Picture of anglerfish

The Anglerfish

The deep sea Anglerfish has a round body and sharp, fang-like teeth. It "woobles" as it swims which means it isn't fast.

The Anglerfish can extend it's stomach and swallow prey twice the size of it's entire body.

To breed the male angler, which is smaller than the female. attaches itself to the female with small hook teeth. The two become fused toegether and their blood vessels join as one. The males are like parasites and a female can up to six clinging to her body. The female Anglerfish has a thin sheet of eggs. Once the eggs hatch, they swim to the surfact to feed on Plankton.


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