Answers to Questions

Answers to Questions

  • Research and write a report on a deep sea animal. (A picture should be included of the deep sea creature.)
    • Younger students can draw a picture from the computer. Older should research information on any deep sea creature. If they are stuck have them write on theory of life revolving around a volcano
    • Magnapinna Squids-Blob Fish-Gulper Eel are some more ideas
    • or some of the picture links or videos on this website.
  • What depth is the Bathypelagic zone?
    • Usually about 1000 meters-This Bathypelagic Zone is when the light can no longer pentrate the water. It depends and some areas like Honduras can be closer to 550 meters.This zone is also has very low temperatures and creatures have a very low organsmal biomass.
  • Do some creatures living in the Mesopelagic and Bathypelagic zone rise to the Epipelagic zone to feed?
    • yes --look at the anglerfish
  • On this website is a picture of a shark usually 10 to 13 feet long. It has five pairs of gill slits what shark is this?
    • Goblin Shark
  • On this website is a cute octopus; it lives at least 4000 meters down--what is this octopus called?
    • Dumbo Octopus
  • What is the largest turtle called that we know of?
    • Leatherback or Lute Turtle
  • What deep sea creature has an eel-like body and looks like a sea serpent. It has six pairs of gill slits. What is it called?
    • Frill Shark
  • Name one fish that uses bioluminescene to attract its prey.
    • Anglerfish -Dragonfish/Viperfish
  • Who lives at the bottom of the Mariana Trench and what happened in 1985?
    • It is thought with the "Bloop" sound it was a Megladon

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