Copyright Laws and Fair Use on the Web

Answer Key to Treasure Hunt

picture of copyright magnifying glass
U.S. ad on copyright to keep you away from pirates

The Treasure Hunt for Basic Copyright Knowledge-- Part I

1. Does copyright protect an author’s creative ideas?
No. Copyright shelters only fixed, original and creative expression, not the ideas or facts upon which the expression is based.

2. How is a copyright different from a patent or a trademark?
Copyright protects original works of authorship, while a patent protects inventions or discoveries. Ideas and discoveries are not protected by the copyright law, although the way in which they are expressed maybe. A trademark protects words, phrases, symbols, or designs identifying the source of the goods or services or one party and distinguishing them for those of others.

3. When is my work protected?
Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.

4. Can I copyright my domain name?
Copyright law does not protect domain names. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (, a nonprofit organization that has assumed the responsibility for domain name system management.

5. Can I copyright my website? Yes or No
The original authorship appearing on a website may be protected by copyright.

6. What is a valid copyright notice?
A valid copyright notice should contain:

7. Name the three questions that the fair use statute requires the courts to consider in deciding this issue?
1. Is it competitive use?
2. How much material was taken compared to the entire work of which the material was a part?
(has two parts to the question)
How was the material used? Was the material used to help create something new?
3.b Is it a transformative use? Usually, if it is motviated primarily by a desire for a commerical gain, it is less likely to be fair use.

The Treasure Hunt for Knowledge on Public Domain--Part II

8. What is meant when something published is out in the public domain?
Images that are considered free content that has no legal restriction on a user's right to copy, redistribute or modify. These images are called in the "public domain".

9. What is the difference between Public Domain vs Creative Commons Licensed Images?
Apart from images that already belong in the public domain and which you can download and use without obligation or legal infirmities, there's a group of photos you can also download and use for free that are, however, still protected under the country's copyright laws. These are licensed under the Creative Commons (CC). There's an owner who has copyrighted the work to his name but has allowed his work to be used by anyone for personal, educational or non-profit non-commercial purposes.

10. What is attribution?
Attribution in copyright jargon is acknowledging the creator or owner of an image or photograph.

11. Are most images and photos found on Google public domain? Why or Why not? Google is a search engine. Search tools such as Google Images locate content such as images and photos. Google is not a content depository nor is it a collection of public domain or copyright-free works.

12. How can you find “free-to-use images” in Google?

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