Netiquette in the Workplace

Definition of Netiquette: Netiquette is the eitquette to use on the World Wide Web. Netiquette is a set of etiquette rules for operating online.

Human Being Rule

Would you say that to the person if you were talking to them? You are communicating to real people. Remember once something is sent it is saved somewhere on a server where someone can read it.

Be ethical

Have a set of moral principles and apply them to every aspect of your life including when you are online. Be moral, honest, and fair, and think of the internet as an extension of you, and you are communicating to human beings.

Try to remember to keep personal information safe

Keep it to yourself including addresses and passwords; keep it safe.

Don't waste other people's time

Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't say it mean, and don't send information that they don't need to know or that isn't pertinent to them.

Pay attention to the content of your writing

Be sure you know what you're talking about and make sense, use proper grammar, and don't swear for attention. Be polite. Don't use CAPITALS in emails as it is considered "yellling" at the other person.

Share your knowledge

If you've researched a topic that you think would be of interest to others, write it up and post it, but, make sure you know what you are talking about; state the truth.

He who angers you controls you

If opinions are strong and emotions are high, try to keep the "Smack Downs" under control. Or, remember this quote, that has been attributed to Buddha, Pema Chodron or Nelson Mandela but no one really knows, "holding onto anger is like drinking poison and wishing the other person to die."

Is it your business?

This can be applied to every aspect of life as well as your cyberlife. Ask yourself if it is your business or as another states, "Not my circus, not my monkey."


We are all human and we all make mistakes. Be forgiving, please realize people on the internet might not be aware of all the rules of cyber etiquette.

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